Regional Geology Of Sebai Block (DF 73)


Regional Geology Of Sebai Block (DF 73):


The geology of the area from east to west consist of sequence of syn to post tectonic granitoid rocks in the eastern corner along wadi Dabbah -Sebai granites, Along the NW Najd Fault system shear zones, a sequence of ophiolite mélange rock units; serpentinite and related rocks, chlorite-sericite greenstone meta-gabbro and meta-andesite, chlorite-talc-ankerite/carbonate schist, carbonate schist, yellow to reddish- brown colour silica-carbonate altered rock (listwanite), acidic to intermediate metavolcanics, basic to intermediate metavolcanics, volcaniclastics, tuffs, agglomerate, metasediments, and granite/granodiorite.

Within the concession area the tectonics are dominated by compressional structures, folds, and shear zones in addition to the island arc and ophiolite layered and intrusion rock sequences there are a variety of syn to post tectonic intrusive rocks . As shown on the Regional Geology Map .